45 -5.37 1:37:08 58966M Kc6 g1=Q Nxh4 Qc1 Nhf3 c3 dxc3 Qxc3+ Kd5 Qb3+ Ke4
Qb4+ Kd5 Qb7+ Kd6 Qe4 Kc5 Qe3+ Kd5 Qf4 Kd6 Qc1
Kd5 Qd1+ Ke6 Qd8 Kf5 Qd5 Kf4 Qd1 Kf5 Qc2+ Ke6 Qb1
Kd5 Qb4 Ke6 Qb6+ Kd5 Qb5+ Ke4 Qb7+ Kd4 Qg7 Ke4
Qf6 Ke3 Qd6 Ke4 Qc5 Kd3 Qb4 Ke3 Qa4 Nd4 Qa3+ Ke4
Qa8+ Kf4 Qa6 Ndf3 Qa4+ Ke3 Qb4
Nodes: 67260547651
Nodes/second: 10159364
Best move: Kc6
Ponder move: g1=Q
Correct move, too bad Stockfish does not see the draw and understand the fortress![/quote]
What do you mean by "understand"? What do you mean by "see the draw"?
Stockfish has correctly solved the problem, and has done so without using tablebases or special knowledge of fortresses. I find that rather amazing![/quote]
I never said Stockfish finding kc6 was not amazing
, but the score of -5.37 indicates that it still thinks black is winning. Therefore, it does not know this is a fortress position. However, it does prove that stockfish has an amazing search, and yes it solved the problem, just not for the right reasons.