Crab 1.0 Beta (32-Bit)

Discussion about chess-playing software (engines, hosts, opening books, platforms, etc...)
Eduard Nemeth
Posts: 632
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:50 am

Crab 1.0 Beta (32-Bit)

Post by Eduard Nemeth » Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:16 pm

New engine _Crab_ based on Stockfish.

Here is the Source Code of this new engine, based on StockFish 1.7.1, called "Crab 1.0 beta":

And here as Engine UCI 32-Bit MP (Crab 1.0 beta):

I showed only this two games, and it draws in both games against Rybka 4.

[Event "3m + 0s, rated"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2010.06.10"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Cdl, Crab 1.0 beta"]
[Black "Neapus, Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 "]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B90"]
[WhiteElo "2359"]
[BlackElo "2639"]
[PlyCount "172"]
[EventDate "2010.06.10"]
[EventType "blitz"]

1. e4 {B/0 0} c5 {B/0 0} 2. Nf3 {B/0 0} d6 {B/0 0} 3. d4 {B/0 0} cxd4 {B/0 0}
4. Nxd4 {B/0 0} Nf6 {B/0 0} 5. Nc3 {B/0 0} a6 {B/0 0} 6. Be3 {B/0 0} e5 {B/0 0}
7. Nb3 {B/0 0} Be6 {B/0 0} 8. f3 {B/0 0} Be7 {B/0 0} 9. Qd2 {B/0 0} O-O {B/0 0}
10. O-O-O {B/0 0} Nbd7 {B/0 0} 11. g4 {B/0 0} b5 {B/0 0} 12. g5 {B/0 0} Nh5 {
B/0 0} 13. Kb1 {B/0 0} Nb6 {B/0 0} 14. Nd5 {B/0 0} Nxd5 {B/0 0} 15. exd5 {B/0 0
} Bf5 {B/0 0} 16. Na5 {B/0 0} f6 {B/0 0} 17. Nc6 {B/0 0} Qd7 {B/0 0} 18. h4 {
B/0 0} Ng3 {B/0 0} 19. Rg1 {B/0 0} Nxf1 {B/0 0} 20. Rdxf1 {B/0 0} fxg5 {B/0 0}
21. hxg5 {B/0 0} Bg6 {B/0 0} 22. Rf2 {B/0 0} Rf5 {B/0 0} 23. Rh1 {B/0 0} Rc8 {
B/0 0} 24. Rhf1 {B/0 0} Re8 {B/0 0} 25. b3 {B/0 0} Bd8 {B/0 0} 26. Kb2 {B/0 0}
Bh5 {B/0 0} 27. Nxd8 {B/0 0} Qxd8 {B/0 0} 28. f4 {B/0 0} Qa8 {B/0 0} 29. Qb4 {
B/0 0} Qxd5 {B/0 0} 30. Rd2 {B/0 0} Qa8 {B/0 0} 31. Qxd6 {-0.20/19 6} Qe4 {
0.00/18 11} 32. Qd5+ {0.00/19 0} Qxd5 {0.00/19 0} 33. Rxd5 {0.00/15 0} Bg6 {
(g6) -0.03/19 10} 34. Bd2 {(Rd2) -0.08/19 5} e4 {(Tc8) -0.07/19 9} 35. Rd4 {
0.08/20 5} e3 {(Tc8) -0.07/20 0} 36. Bb4 {0.04/18 4} Bh5 {-0.07/18 0} 37. c4 {
(Re1) 0.04/19 7} bxc4 {-0.26/18 11} 38. bxc4 {0.00/19 0} e2 {-0.26/20 8} 39.
Re1 {0.04/22 0} Bg4 {(Kf7) -0.27/18 4} 40. Bd6 {0.16/19 5} h5 {(Ta5) -0.25/18 1
} 41. gxh6 {0.12/16 4} gxh6 {-0.25/18 0} 42. Be5 {0.28/17 6} h5 {-0.24/19 0}
43. Kc3 {(Kc2) 0.28/17 5} Rff8 {(h4) -0.32/16 4} 44. c5 {(Kd2) 0.16/18 7} Rc8 {
-0.45/17 7} 45. Kd2 {(Bd6) 0.00/19 0} Rxc5 {(Tfd8) -0.48/18 6} 46. Bd6 {
-0.20/18 3} Ra5 {-0.48/20 0} 47. Bxf8 {-0.32/20 3} Rxa2+ {-0.48/19 0} 48. Ke3 {
-0.36/19 4} Kxf8 {-0.48/19 0} 49. Rd2 {(Rc1) -0.40/18 4} Ra5 {-0.59/20 10} 50.
Rd6 {-0.44/21 1} Ke7 {-0.59/20 6} 51. Rb6 {(Rh6) -0.12/20 0} Ra3+ {-0.59/18 11}
52. Kd4 {(Kf2) -0.16/21 0} Ra4+ {-0.58/16 6} 53. Ke3 {-0.12/22 0} Kd7 {
(Ta2) -0.58/16 2} 54. Rh6 {(f5) -0.32/18 4} a5 {-0.57/18 7} 55. Ra6 {0.00/20 0}
Ke7 {(Ta3+) -0.50/18 8} 56. Rb1 {(Kd3) -0.04/19 3} Rb4 {-0.51/16 4} 57. Ra7+ {
0.00/21 1} Ke6 {-0.50/17 0} 58. Ra6+ {-0.32/21 7} Kd7 {-0.47/20 0} 59. Rc1 {
(Ra7+) -0.12/20 8} Rb3+ {-0.42/16 5} 60. Kf2 {-0.52/19 5} Ra3 {-0.52/17 0} 61.
f5 {(Rg1) -0.12/18 4} Ra4 {(a4) -0.64/15 3} 62. Ke3 {-0.84/16 3} h4 {
(Tc4) -0.67/16 0} 63. f6 {(Ra7+) 0.00/18 2} Ke8 {(Lh5) -0.96/14 1} 64. Ra7 {
0.00/18 3} h3 {(Tb4) -0.93/16 1} 65. Re1 {-0.08/16 3} Kf8 {(Tb4) -0.94/17 0}
66. Rg7 {(Rh1) -0.64/17 2} Bh5 {(Tb4) -1.10/14 1} 67. Re7 {-0.68/17 2} Rh4 {
-1.23/17 1} 68. Rc1 {-1.21/17 1} Rc4 {-1.23/17 0} 69. Rh1 {(Rb1) -1.41/18 3} a4
{(Lg4) -1.23/15 2} 70. Rb1 {-0.68/17 2} Rb4 {-1.23/15 0} 71. Rc1 {-0.36/17 1}
Bg4 {-1.23/15 0} 72. Ra7 {-0.64/16 1} Rc4 {(h2) -0.57/15 0} 73. Rb1 {-0.64/18 2
} h2 {-0.57/16 0} 74. Rh7 {-0.36/16 1} Rb4 {(a3) -0.57/16 0} 75. Rc1 {
-0.56/19 2} a3 {(Tb3+) -0.57/16 0} 76. Rxh2 {-0.40/18 2} a2 {-0.57/16 0} 77.
Ra1 {-0.40/19 1} Rb3+ {-0.51/14 0} 78. Kf4 {0.00/20 0} Rb1 {-0.51/16 0} 79. Rh1
{0.00/21 1} Rb4+ {-0.51/16 0} 80. Ke3 {0.00/22 1} Ra4 {(Kf7) -0.37/15 2} 81.
Rh4 {(Kf2) 0.00/22 1} Kg8 {(Kf7) 0.00/15 4} 82. Rxg4+ {0.00/29 1} Rxg4 {
0.00/18 0} 83. Kxe2 {0.00/34 0} Rg5 {(Kf7) 0.00/17 0} 84. Kd3 {0.00/33 1} Ra5 {
(Kf7) 0.00/22 0} 85. Kc3 {0.00/34 1} Kf7 {0.00/27 0} 86. Kb2 {0.00/35 0} Rb5+ {
0.00/26 0} 1/2-1/2

[Event "3m + 0s, rated"]
[Site "Engine Room"]
[Date "2010.06.10"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Oleg, Deep Rybka 4 x64"]
[Black "Cdl, Crab 1.0 beta"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "D44"]
[WhiteElo "2557"]
[BlackElo "2371"]
[PlyCount "256"]
[EventDate "2010.06.10"]
[EventType "blitz"]

1. d4 {0} Nf6 {B/0 0} 2. c4 {0} e6 {B/0 0} 3. Nf3 {0} d5 {B/0 0} 4. Nc3 {0} c6
{B/0 0} 5. Bg5 {0} dxc4 {B/0 0} 6. e4 {0} b5 {B/0 0} 7. e5 {0} h6 {B/0 0} 8.
Bh4 {0} g5 {B/0 0} 9. Nxg5 {0} hxg5 {B/0 0} 10. Bxg5 {0} Nbd7 {B/0 0} 11. exf6
{0} Bb7 {B/0 0} 12. g3 {0} c5 {B/0 0} 13. d5 {0} Nxf6 {B/0 0} 14. Bg2 {0} Bh6 {
B/0 0} 15. Bxf6 {0} Qxf6 {B/0 0} 16. Nxb5 {0} Qe5+ {-0.48/16 10} 17. Kf1 {
(De2) 0} O-O-O {0.16/16 5} 18. d6 {9} a6 {0.60/18 0} 19. Bxb7+ {2} Kxb7 {
0.40/19 0} 20. Qf3+ {2} Kb6 {0.38/22 3} 21. Na3 {0} Qd5 {0.44/22 5} 22. Kg2 {0}
Rxd6 {0.28/21 4} 23. Rad1 {(Thd1) 7} Qxf3+ {0.44/16 1} 24. Kxf3 {0} Rd4 {
0.28/23 6} 25. h4 {0} Kc6 {0.24/21 5} 26. Rxd4 {12} cxd4 {0.08/23 0} 27. Nxc4 {
1} Kd5 {0.00/22 3} 28. b3 {(Sb6+) 2} e5 {0.00/23 6} 29. Re1 {(Sb6+) 0} f6 {
0.32/22 16} 30. h5 {(Te4) 10} Rb8 {0.00/22 4} 31. Kg4 {11} Ke6 {0.00/27 0} 32.
Kh4 {(Kf3) 10} Kd5 {0.00/22 3} 33. Kh3 {(Kg4) 14} a5 {0.00/19 3} 34. f4 {
(Kg4) 6} exf4 {0.00/18 3} 35. gxf4 {0} Bxf4 {-0.16/20 4} 36. Kg4 {3} Bh6 {
0.00/21 0} 37. Kf5 {4} a4 {0.00/22 0} 38. Re6 {2} Kc5 {0.00/23 1} 39. Nd6 {
(Txf6) 0} d3 {-0.16/19 12} 40. Ne4+ {2} Kd4 {-0.04/20 1} 41. bxa4 {2} Rh8 {
-0.04/20 0} 42. Nxf6 {2} d2 {0.00/20 0} 43. Ne4 {(Td6+) 2} Rf8+ {0.00/21 3} 44.
Kg6 {0} d1=Q {0.00/23 4} 45. Rd6+ {1} Kxe4 {0.00/23 0} 46. Rxd1 {0} Rh8 {
0.00/25 2} 47. Rh1 {4} Kd4 {0.00/26 0} 48. a5 {3} Kc5 {0.00/27 0} 49. a6 {
(a4) 2} Kb6 {0.00/25 3} 50. Re1 {0} Kxa6 {0.00/25 2} 51. Re5 {(Te7) 0} Kb6 {
0.00/18 2} 52. a4 {(Te7) 7} Bd2 {-0.04/18 2} 53. Rd5 {(a5+) 0} Bc1 {-0.04/18 2}
54. Rb5+ {(a5+) 3} Kc6 {-0.24/19 2} 55. Rf5 {(Kg7) 0} Kd6 {-0.20/19 2} 56. a5 {
(Tf1) 3} Ke6 {-0.20/21 2} 57. Rb5 {(Tf1) 1} Be3 {-0.20/20 2} 58. Rb3 {0} Bd2 {
-0.20/21 1} 59. Rb6+ {(Tb2) 0} Kd7 {-0.16/20 3} 60. Rb2 {(Tb5) 3} Rh6+ {
-0.16/19 2} 61. Kg7 {3} Rd6 {-0.16/21 0} 62. Rb5 {3} Bc3+ {-0.12/21 0} 63. Kf7
{1} Rf6+ {-0.12/20 1} 64. Kg8 {0} Ra6 {-0.12/21 1} 65. Rb7+ {0} Kc8 {-0.12/21 2
} 66. Rb3 {(Tb5) 3} Bd2 {-0.12/21 2} 67. Ra3 {(Tb5) 0} Kc7 {-0.16/17 1} 68. Kg7
{(Td3) 3} Bf4 {-0.28/19 1} 69. Ra4 {(Th3) 2} Be5+ {-0.24/18 1} 70. Kf7 {(Kh7) 2
} Rf6+ {-0.44/18 1} 71. Ke7 {(Kg8) 0} Rh6 {-0.56/19 1} 72. a6 {0} Kb8 {
-0.56/21 1} 73. Kf7 {(Tb4+) 0} Rxh5 {-0.64/20 1} 74. Kg6 {(Tb4+) 2} Rh2 {
-0.68/21 1} 75. Kf5 {2} Bc3 {-0.72/23 0} 76. a7+ {0} Ka8 {-0.76/20 0} 77. Ra6 {
(Kg4) 0} Bd4 {-0.80/21 1} 78. Rd6 {2} Bxa7 {-0.84/27 0} 79. Rd7 {0} Bb6 {
-0.88/24 1} 80. Ke4 {(Tg7) 2} Kb8 {-0.88/26 1} 81. Kd5 {(Tf7) 0} Bc7 {
-0.88/24 1} 82. Rf7 {(Tg7) 0} Rh5+ {-0.88/24 1} 83. Kc6 {2} Rh6+ {-0.88/25 0}
84. Kc5 {(Kd5) 1} Kb7 {-0.92/25 1} 85. Rd7 {(Tf5) 0} Rc6+ {-0.92/24 1} 86. Kb5
{1} Rb6+ {-0.92/25 0} 87. Kc5 {0} Rh6 {-0.92/26 0} 88. Rd3 {(Kd5) 0} Bb6+ {
-0.92/24 1} 89. Kd5 {0} Rh5+ {-0.92/25 0} 90. Ke4 {0} Kc6 {-0.92/26 0} 91. Rd2
{1} Bc5 {-0.92/24 0} 92. Rd1 {(Td3) 0} Rh2 {-0.92/25 1} 93. Kf4 {(Kf5) 1} Bd6+
{-0.96/25 1} 94. Kf5 {(Ke4) 1} Re2 {-0.96/24 1} 95. Rc1+ {(Tb1) 1} Kd7 {
-0.96/25 1} 96. Rg1 {(Tb1) 0} Re5+ {-0.96/23 1} 97. Kf6 {0} Re4 {-0.96/24 1}
98. Rg5 {(Td1) 0} Kc6 {-0.96/21 1} 99. Rf5 {(Kf5) 0} Be7+ {-0.96/24 1} 100. Kg6
{(Kf7) 0} Bb4 {-0.96/24 1} 101. Rf1 {(Kf7) 1} Kd5 {-0.96/24 1} 102. Rf5+ {
(Kf5) 0} Kd4 {-0.96/25 1} 103. Rf6 {(Tb5) 1} Bc5 {-0.96/22 1} 104. Rf1 {(Tf5) 1
} Kd5 {-0.96/24 1} 105. Rf5+ {1} Kc4 {-0.96/31 0} 106. Rf6 {(Kg5) 0} Bd4 {
-0.96/22 0} 107. Rd6 {1} Re5 {-0.96/26 0} 108. Kf7 {(Td7) 1} Rf5+ {-0.96/22 1}
109. Ke6 {(Ke7) 1} Rf6+ {-0.96/25 0} 110. Ke7 {0} Rf1 {-0.96/26 0} 111. Ke6 {0}
Kd3 {-0.96/27 0} 112. Kd5 {(Td7) 0} Rf5+ {-0.96/25 0} 113. Kc6 {(Ke6) 0} Kc4 {
-0.96/23 0} 114. Rg6 {(Te6) 1} Rd5 {-0.92/19 1} 115. Rg2 {1} Rc5+ {-0.92/21 0}
116. Kd6 {0} Rh5 {-0.92/22 0} 117. Rc2+ {(Te2) 1} Kd3 {-0.88/20 1} 118. Rg2 {
(Tc1) 1} Ra5 {-0.88/17 0} 119. Ke6 {(Tg4) 1} Re5+ {-0.84/17 0} 120. Kd6 {0} Re1
{-0.80/16 1} 121. Kd5 {0} Be5 {-0.64/15 1} 122. Rf2 {0} Re3 {0.00/13 0} 123.
Rf1 {0} Bc3 {0.00/22 0} 124. Rd1+ {(Tg1) 0} Ke2 {0.00/27 0} 125. Rh1 {0} Re5+ {
0.00/29 0} 126. Kc4 {0} Bd2 {0.00/37 0} 127. Rh2+ {0} Kd1 {0.00/92 0} 128. Rh1+
{1} Kc2 {(Lag: Av=0.55s, max=3.0s) 0.00/100 0} 1/2-1/2
Peace be with you!

Posts: 44
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:43 am
Real Name: Justin Blanchard
Location: United States

Re: Crab 1.0 Beta (32-Bit)

Post by UncombedCoconut » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:06 pm

Eduard Nemeth wrote:New engine _Crab_ based on Stockfish.
Calling it a new engine seems like a bit of an overstatement. If you look at the code, the changes are minor; the author himself said "think of it as a personality of Stockfish".

Eduard Nemeth
Posts: 632
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:50 am

Re: Crab 1.0 Beta (32-Bit)

Post by Eduard Nemeth » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:23 pm

Yes, I runs the engine with my testsuite, and evals shows like from "Stockfish". The engine is 100% not identical with IPPO/ROBBO/IVANs/Fire, for sure!

If anybody need, I can upload here the full Source Code and the 32-Bit Engine (MP up to 8 cores)?

Here are my games on playchess, I am playing with default settings on a Core Duo 2.66 GHz (no overclocked) with 256 hash. My Nick is "Solist".

Unfortunately my first opponent was a Stockfish 1.7.1 !. :)

[Event "Wertungspartie, 1m + 0s"]
[Site "Maschinenraum"]
[Date "2010.06.11"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Solist, Crab 1.0 beta"]
[Black "Mettalik, Stockfish 1.7.1 JA"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "D45"]
[BlackElo "2285"]
[Annotator "??;-0.20"]
[PlyCount "81"]
[EventDate "2010.06.11"]
[TimeControl "60"]

{Stockfish 1.7.1 JA: 15.6 ply; 465kN/s AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology
TL-60 1999MHz, (2 threads), en-match.ctg, 256 MB} 1. d4 {0} d5 {B/0 0} 2. Nf3 {
0} Nf6 {B/0 0} 3. c4 {0} c6 {B/0 0} 4. Nc3 {0} e6 {B/0 0} 5. e3 {0} Nbd7 {B/0 0
} 6. Be2 {0} Bd6 {B/0 0} 7. Qc2 {0} O-O {B/0 0} 8. b3 {0} b6 {B/0 0} 9. O-O {0}
Bb7 {B/0 0} 10. Bb2 {0} Qe7 {B/0 0} 11. Rad1 {0} Rad8 {B/0 0} 12. h3 {0} Rfe8 {
B/0 0} 13. Rfe1 {0} c5 {B/0 0} 14. Nd2 {0} a6 {B/0 0} 15. Bf3 {0} cxd4 {B/0 0}
16. exd4 {2} Rc8 {B/0 0} 17. Rc1 {3} Qd8 {B/0 0} 18. Qd1 {1} Bf4 {B/0 0} 19. g3
{4} Bh6 {B/0 0} 20. Bg2 {2} b5 {-0.20/12 2} 21. f4 {(c5) 2} b4 {-0.08/11 2} 22.
Ne2 {(Na4) 2} Nh5 {-0.20/13 6} 23. a3 {2} g5 {-0.20/13 0} 24. cxd5 {1} Bxd5 {
-0.16/11 0} 25. Ne4 {4} Rb8 {-0.32/12 0} 26. fxg5 {(axb4) 4} Bxg5 {-0.44/10 1}
27. Ra1 {1} Be3+ {-0.64/11 0} 28. Kh2 {1} Ndf6 {-0.40/11 0} 29. Qd3 {1} Bxe4 {
0.12/12 5} 30. Bxe4 {1} bxa3 {0.00/12 1} 31. Rxa3 {1} Nxe4 {-0.20/12 0} 32.
Qxe4 {0} Bg5 {0.12/12 1} 33. Rf1 {0} Rb5 {0.00/13 1} 34. d5 {2} Rxd5 {0.00/14 0
} 35. Rxf7 {0} Kxf7 {0.56/13 3} 36. Qxh7+ {0} Kf8 {0.00/13 0} 37. Qxh5 {1} Bf6
{0.00/14 0} 38. Qh6+ {1} Kf7 {0.00/15 0} 39. Qh7+ {0} Kf8 {0.00/15 0} 40. Qh6+
{(Bc1) 0} Kf7 {0.00/26 1} 41. Qh7+ {(Lag: Av=0.73s, max=11.5s) 0} 1/2-1/2

But my next opponent was an fast 6-core machine and Deep Rybka 4, with Nick Phil Harris!

{Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64 pr2: 22.3 ply; 772kN/s Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU
X 980 @ 3.33GHz 4296MHz, (6 threads),
but I hold a Draw!

[Event "Wertungspartie, 5m + 0s"]
[Site "Maschinenraum"]
[Date "2010.06.11"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Solist, Crab 1.0 beta"]
[Black "Phil Harris, Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 "]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "B90"]
[WhiteElo "2499"]
[BlackElo "2774"]
[Annotator "??;0.19"]
[PlyCount "111"]
[EventDate "2010.06.11"]
[TimeControl "300"]

{Deep Rybka 4 SSE42 x64 pr2: 22.3 ply; 772kN/s Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU
X 980 @ 3.33GHz 4296MHz, (6 threads), en-match.ctg, 256 MB} 1. e4 {0} c5 {
B/0 0} 2. Nf3 {0} d6 {B/0 0} 3. d4 {0} cxd4 {B/0 0} 4. Nxd4 {0} Nf6 {B/0 0} 5.
Nc3 {0} a6 {B/0 0} 6. Be3 {0} e5 {B/0 0} 7. Nb3 {0} Be6 {B/0 0} 8. f3 {0} h5 {
B/0 0} 9. Qd2 {0} Nbd7 {B/0 0} 10. f4 {0} Ng4 {B/0 0} 11. f5 {0} Bxb3 {B/0 0}
12. axb3 {0} Nxe3 {B/0 0} 13. Qxe3 {0} Rc8 {B/0 0} 14. Bc4 {10} Be7 {0.19/19 16
} 15. Qe2 {0} h4 {0.22/19 13} 16. O-O {(Nd5) 16} h3 {0.25/17 12} 17. g3 {8} Kf8
{0.26/19 0} 18. Nd5 {10} Rh6 {0.29/18 3} 19. Qf2 {(c3) 8} Bg5 {0.31/20 21} 20.
Rfe1 {(c3) 0} Rc6 {0.33/20 25} 21. c3 {7} Kg8 {0.33/19 0} 22. Ra2 {(Kh1) 7} Rc8
{0.32/18 17} 23. Qa7 {(Kh1) 7} Rb8 {0.35/18 6} 24. b4 {3} Qc8 {0.35/18 1} 25.
Bb3 {5} Ra8 {0.39/17 1} 26. Qf2 {8} Bd8 {0.43/19 0} 27. Qe3 {6} Nf6 {0.55/17 1}
28. Kh1 {(Nxf6+) 8} Rb8 {0.72/18 17} 29. Nxf6+ {6} Bxf6 {0.73/22 0} 30. Bd5 {7}
Qc7 {0.76/21 0} 31. Qa7 {5} Bd8 {0.91/20 1} 32. Rf1 {(Rea1) 7} Rh7 {0.91/18 16}
33. Rf3 {(Rfa1) 0} Rh8 {1.23/18 9} 34. c4 {(g4) 6} Rh6 {1.19/17 16} 35. Ra1 {5}
Rc8 {1.29/19 0} 36. Rc3 {6} Qe7 {1.32/19 5} 37. b5 {7} axb5 {1.21/20 0} 38.
cxb5 {5} Rxc3 {1.21/21 0} 39. bxc3 {0} Qg5 {1.21/21 1} 40. Qxb7 {(Qg1) 4} Rf6 {
Solist,Crab 1.0 beta bietet Remis 0.61/14 1} 41. Qa7 {16} Qd2 {0.79/20 0} 42.
Qg1 {4} Qxc3 {0.70/21 0} 43. Qf1 {6} Kf8 {0.72/21 0} 44. g4 {(Ra8) 4} Qe3 {
0.78/18 9} 45. Re1 {1} Qg5 {0.78/18 0} 46. Qxh3 {3} Rh6 {0.78/18 0} 47. Qg3 {7}
Qd2 {0.67/19 0} 48. Ra1 {(Rf1) 3} Bg5 {0.00/16 2} 49. Qg2 {4} Qc3 {0.00/19 0}
50. Ra2 {(Ra8+) 2} Bf4 {0.00/21 6} 51. Qf1 {0} Qg3 {0.00/22 3} 52. Ra8+ {0} Ke7
{0.00/22 0} 53. Ra7+ {3} Kd8 {0.00/26 0} 54. Ra8+ {2} Ke7 {0.00/27 0} 55. Ra7+
{6} Ke8 {Solist,Crab 1.0 beta bietet Remis 0.00/25 8} 56. Ra8+ {
(Lag: Av=0.19s, max=0.6s) 3} 1/2-1/2

Not bad for a first Beta! :))
Peace be with you!

Eduard Nemeth
Posts: 632
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:50 am

Re: Crab 1.0 Beta (32-Bit)

Post by Eduard Nemeth » Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:03 am

OK, why not?

1. Here is the Source Code of Crab 1.0 Beta, called "Crab 1" (7zip).
2. Engine 32-Bit MP (up to 8 Cores) of Crab 1.0 Beta, called "crab_PGO.7z"
Copyright.txt (Zip)
(35.1 KiB) Downloaded 285 times
Engine 32-Bit MP (up to 8 Cores) of Crab 1.0 Beta
(171.58 KiB) Downloaded 344 times
Crab 1
Source Code of Crab 1.0 Beta
(190.31 KiB) Downloaded 278 times
Peace be with you!

Eduard Nemeth
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Re: Crab 1.0 Beta (32-Bit)

Post by Eduard Nemeth » Fri Jun 11, 2010 5:57 pm

Here is the 64-Bit Version of "Crab 1.0 beta".
64-Bit MP Engine (up to 8 Cores) "Crab 1.0 Beta" (7zip)
(175.82 KiB) Downloaded 408 times
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Re: Crab 1.0 Beta (32-Bit)

Post by Angel » Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:48 pm

hmmm...........On playchess your elo is 2700 with Dual Core..

ok can we use your opening book please ;)
Nothing is ever truly lost , just miss placed and awaiting us

Eduard Nemeth
Posts: 632
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:50 am

Re: Crab 1.0 Beta (32-Bit)

Post by Eduard Nemeth » Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:29 pm

Angel wrote:hmmm...........On playchess your elo is 2700 with Dual Core..

ok can we use your opening book please ;)
Dear Angel!

I have created an Opening Book for Engine Onno in 2009.
(for ONNO-Chess customers only)

My newest Book, I will not released it for free.
Perhaps sometime here but then not for free.

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Re: Crab 1.0 Beta (32-Bit)

Post by look » Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:42 am

UncombedCoconut wrote:
Eduard Nemeth wrote:New engine _Crab_ based on Stockfish.
Calling it a new engine seems like a bit of an overstatement. If you look at the code, the changes are minor; the author himself said "think of it as a personality of Stockfish".

The point about name is correct in that sense, but note that I could not provide changes to stockfish team directly to test because the lack of testing resources( they have only a quad) and demand test from author. For my part I am using a laptop with a celeron CPU which does not give any realistic testing results. In fact I still do not know whether Crab 1.0 beta is any stronger than SF1.7.1, it could be slightly worse. Meanwhile I have several other versions which needs to be tested too. So if anyone is interested in beta testing on about 5-10 versions with a decent hardware(core2duo or better) he/she may respond. The testing may take about a day for each version against SF 1.7.1 . So if some improvements were found i may continue work on it.


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Re: Crab 1.0 Beta (32-Bit)

Post by Tomcass » Sun Jun 13, 2010 9:27 am

Crab 1.0 seems to be the basis for a very strong program... but by now, the results are a bit surprising:

Quad 2,33 $M Ram w32
Gui Fritz 12
Time control 2 + 2 seconds.
Book: HS Masterbook 2.0
Ponder: Off
DamirRybkaKiller42 using one core. All other engines using four cores.

The authors of Crab 1.0 are top class. We can expect a powerful further development in the future if they decide continue with their project.

2010-06Crab 2010

Crab 1.0 beta - DamirsRybkaKiller42_w32 11.0 - 9.0 +5/=12/-3 55.00%
Crab 1.0 beta - Deep Rybka 4 w32 10.0 - 10.0 +6/=8/-6 50.00%
Crab 1.0 beta - Houdini 1.01 w32 4_CPU 9.5 - 10.5 +4/=11/-5 47.50%
Crab 1.0 beta - Naum 4.2 (x4) 6.5 - 13.5 +2/=9/-9 32.50%

Crab 1.0 is able to get 50% against DR4... but suffers a big lose against Naum 4.2!. DamirsRK42 gets again a very good result: 45% -handicap 1 to 4 cores-.



Vael Jean-Paul
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Re: Crab 1.0 Beta (32-Bit)

Post by Vael Jean-Paul » Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:44 am

Hi Tom, i like the way you's simular what i do..i using always Blitz 5min. games.
Do you also make a list from your engine testings!?
I test also a engine against as many possible different engines..because like you find out that a engine has always a weak oppenent
where he don't like to play against it.
And many people only testing against a few engines and gonne tell for example Crab is a week engine because it loose badly against Naum.
I'am busy with testing Critter 0.70 ..great engine..makes draw against Stockish 1.7 and 1.7.1 but loose badly against Crab..and Critter is no match against
the IvanHoe/Fire family.
So,for me has a engine to play against all engines in my list to have a more clear strenght of a engine!


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