
As in chess tournaments and matches...
Sedat Canbaz
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Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Tue Oct 29, 2024 8:02 pm

Breaking News (29.10.2024):
Via 2nd update (for today), the standings changed..and the new Number One is
DON 261024, actually Mr Vasid's series become as regular players as Champion!
And not since today or yesterday, since many many years: a true Legend for sure!
Other very impressive ranks are belonging to Mr. Tanick's books e.g MegaTron Reva,
AbbyStein, Tunafish and this is not a joke..all the mentioned Top 3 books created
By T. Ramz (OrgZ) Btw, in Eng programming... his work is belonging to one of best!
What I'm trying to tell all of you is doubt that we've a lot of true masters!!
Sure we've many other great talents as well...some of their books are old-dated...
So nothing strange..or some new vers were not lucky etc. but 'records' available..
Be aware too the Top (with highest Elo) are played same amount of games..that's
Why the latest DON played 1260 games, where rest entries are played less..since
They've no chance to be Champs, sure I refer especially for rest of current entries,
But in next future tours, standing may changed, you know, anything may happen!

Private Book Champion: DON 261024 - My Congratulations to Vasid Chouhan!
Where Public Book Champion: Esculapio - Congratulations to Angel Morano!

Note also that,
After checking more closely, Esculapio has 0.5 point better than Tunafish
For this reason, Esculapio book is the current and latest public Champion

For Latest Standings: ... k-nn-cs-37


Sedat Canbaz
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Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Thu Oct 31, 2024 11:28 pm

Breaking News (01.11.2024):
Another new update, only 2 (two) books are entered: Kill Bookson by Mr. H. Can
Where the Chess Artist book is the other one, which comes via Chess Artist Pack
And frankly Kill Bookson's performance is not bad, but I can't say same words for
Chess Artist.. it's clear that not so well-tuned...otherwise would be ranked better!
And as I stated earlier, soon as possible (very likely today..) this CS will be ended,
Just waiting 2 (two) more new books by Hamdullah Can...

For Latest Standings: ... k-nn-cs-37

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1978
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Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Fri Nov 01, 2024 2:08 pm

Before the end of ongoing XXXVII CS

I have good news,
In short, another new tournament idea is born:
The entries will be played by 3800+ Elo engine,
And the name of 3810 Elo one is SF-PB 280924 SC
And why? simply one of best, strongest out there!
E.g many tours in Game-Play, plus latest indicate:

And this is not all..SF-PB-SC is not only stronger,
Check please SC's draw ratio, less drawish as well!
Sure I refer for the current tested Top engines !)
What we can need more ? CTG future ?) Mr. Tanick
Works over..but no guarantee since is hard to create
A stable engine with CTG future (under Cutechess...)

Btw, here are the latest new strength test results:

Code: Select all

Rank Name              Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws 
   1 SF-PB 280924 SC  3809    4    4  1600   63%  3739   71% 
   2 Kookaburra 3.00  3806    4    4  1600   63%  3739   73% 
   3 C-Dragon v3.0    3800    4    4  1600   61%  3739   75% 
   4 Caissa 1.21      3742    6    6  1100   48%  3751   81% 
   5 Obsidian 13      3740    6    6  1310   48%  3748   84% 
   6 BrainLearn 13.1  3738    6    6  1310   48%  3748   84% 
   7 Cfish 120821     3733    6    6  1360   47%  3748   82% 
   8 Berserk 12       3731    5    5  1660   48%  3744   80% 
   9 ShashChess 20    3729    6    6  1360   47%  3748   83% 
  10 Honey v14        3727    6    6  1360   46%  3748   84% 
  11 K. Dragon 3      3725    3    3  2860   40%  3778   73% 
  12 Redfish 240122   3723    5    5  1660   46%  3745   82% 
2x Epyc 7B12, CuteChess, 1 Core, PonderOFF, 30s+0.5s, Balsa/Unique, 64 Hash etc

GAMES: ... umrFk5q0H8


As Book Opponents,
Contstants will be played by about 80 Elo weaker engines!
In other words, the new planning matches will be such as
Entrant books by 3810 Elo vs Constant books by av 3730 Elo !

Note also that
3720-3740 Elo ones will be played by opening books,
Which will be tuned to prefer many various openings..
And here, as before / usual: I will do my best!

Be aware too please, via the planning new tour project:
More fun will be on scene!! plus authors will have chances
To check which lines are Drawish!! or even which weaker !!
You know, we will see 'wins' even by average 3730 Elo ones,
But I admit that rarely may appear...since about 80 Elo eng diff.
And 3800+ strong players, especially via Whites even sometimes
When as Blacks... are expecting to be as 'Dominant' for sure !!

And can we say also that
DON + Esculapio will be again as Champions?

If you ask my opinion,
Really it's very hard to guess because all is
Depending on our used tourney conditions!
However, after all... time will tell, right ?)

Ok dear friends, more info soon as possible...

Btw, I hope also that
You like my latest new tour idea ?)


Sedat Canbaz
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Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Fri Nov 01, 2024 3:12 pm

Breaking News (01.11.2024):
Via 2nd update (for today) only 1 (one) book is participated: Kill Bookson 2 and
To be honest, at late midnight hours, I sent the played games by previous ver of
Kill Bookson..and in short period time...I've got another newer, stronger version..
What I am trying to tell, how much is important tuning/updating via recent games!
Sure I am not going toı mention who often request their games (in active tours..)
But at least I can say, since is not Top secret..the ones who are frequent Champs
Are often requesting.. that's it.. and just a few more words about final Champion:
Kill Bookson 2: just unbelievable performance 5+ Elo over DON (former Champ)!!
Is this all luck or surprise etc. ? I hardly doubt...because 'success' is not accident!
Many thanks, Congrats to all... Be aware that soon another exciting CS coming !

Private Book Champion: Kill Bookson 2 - Congratulations to Hamdullah Can!
Where Public Book Champion: Esculapio - Congratulations to Angel Morano!

FOR FINAL STANDINGS: ... k-nn-cs-37

GAMES: ... 82SLlfBdNQ


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Re: SedatChess

Post by OrgZ » Fri Nov 01, 2024 5:41 pm

I have always wondered whats happening because I know my books are strong especially MegaTron. Now I know and its TOTALLY UNPROFESSIONAL OF YOU SEDAT, allowing such play. some of us take our time to tune ours books well and once we are certain that yes its ready we hand it over. and some punk(s), bring their half tuned books plays against ours and lose, then request games from a live tour, take our strong lines and add defensive lines against our strong lines and enter the tour again, THATS LAME AND UNPROFESSIONAL!

Anyone can take it how they like, but facts are facts!

Sedat Canbaz
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Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Fri Nov 01, 2024 8:03 pm

OrgZ wrote:
Fri Nov 01, 2024 5:41 pm
I have always wondered whats happening because I know my books are strong especially MegaTron. Now I know and its TOTALLY UNPROFESSIONAL OF YOU SEDAT, allowing such play. some of us take our time to tune ours books well and once we are certain that yes its ready we hand it over. and some punk(s), bring their half tuned books plays against ours and lose, then request games from a live tour, take our strong lines and add defensive lines against our strong lines and enter the tour again, THATS LAME AND UNPROFESSIONAL!

Anyone can take it how they like, but facts are facts!
1st of all,
You are interesting but also a strange man for sure !)
But my respect..since I appreciate your good work!
Plus all for free... thank you again for all...



Rather I'd say it's a UNPROFESSIONAL by you side that
You did not read or missed the rules... because these
Rules are not since today or yesterday..since many many years!

Of course, if you don't accept the're free
And it's all right..No One is forced here to play in SCCT tours!!
And what I can suggest to you? if you still disagree...
For best solution (Sure I do not recommend much..but if still..):
You've to stay far away...and this issue will be solved 100%!

By the way,
If you are not aware about XXXVII's rules, I'll mention once more:

• As Bonus, frequent authors are free to submit several new opening books
And to be more clear, each other..they have to be different in playing styles
• As usual, all the played games will be available after the end of tournament
Exc. in active tour, only authors (via request) can get theirs played games

Meanwhile (via requesting games while was active tour):
Is there anything wrong with that, for examples:
Hamdullah Can is submited his Kill Bookson 2 too ?!
Or Vasid Chouhan is submited his DON 261024 ?!
Plus Ian Hurnavich is submitted some new books too ?!

Sure here I refer again..the above mentioned authors are
Requested their games and later submitted new updated books..

After all, what does it mean ? if you have still difficulties...
I'll try to explain again, but in different way in active tour:
New, Updated books were here I see nothing wrong...

What I can say more, actually
It would be as UNPROFESSIONAL, if I'd put a such rule only for
X VIP Author/ may know, such as I make DOUBLE STANDARDS!
But here SCCT's rules are same for all, NO DOUBLE STANDARDS!

And if you are going to ask: why new updates are allowed.. ?
Simply because XXXVII Championship was active for many days !!

If still not so clear... here is something like Online-Play,
As main difference...SCCT is playing on same PC hardware !)

One thing more,
When X user plays for many days via Online..does he/she ever check,
Tune, update the opening lines or not ?? if not.. he/she is a pawn
That do not know it's a piece of chess game!

In other words,
You may have right, if XXXVII CS was active for short time/tour,
And I sent only to Hamdullah or to Vasid etc..then we'd say such
As BIG disadvantage, not fair conditions, double standards etc.

And as final words, may I ask you some 'special' questions to you?)

1st question:
If Kill Bookson 2 would not become as final Champion
Then would you make a similar BIG trouble as now or not ?
I mean simply that, what about e.g
Let's say DON 261024 was remained as final Champ..
What would be your reaction then...?) again UNPROFESSIONAL?

2nd. question:
Where have you been before ?) e.g my mentioned rules used since many years!
Why before you did not care and why nowadays you started to pay attention ?)

3rd. question:
Did you manage to fix CTG bug code ( via playing Kutup ctg...)?
Why I ask, because for future tours.. I am interested in your
Engines, sure in case if they stable...if not.. forget about it..

Really interesting to know your replay...and thanks in advance )


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Re: SedatChess

Post by ALPHAZEROOOOO » Fri Nov 01, 2024 11:30 pm

OrgZ wrote:
Fri Nov 01, 2024 5:41 pm
I have always wondered whats happening because I know my books are strong especially MegaTron. Now I know and its TOTALLY UNPROFESSIONAL OF YOU SEDAT, allowing such play. some of us take our time to tune ours books well and once we are certain that yes its ready we hand it over. and some punk(s), bring their half tuned books plays against ours and lose, then request games from a live tour, take our strong lines and add defensive lines against our strong lines and enter the tour again, THATS LAME AND UNPROFESSIONAL!

Anyone can take it how they like, but facts are facts!
Only poor people who look for their own failures in others, to sow discord in tournaments :shock:
my books have been champions for years here even olders and public ones, if you have been struggled in this tournament befores, it is impossible you have not already seen these, the subject you mentioned, is sharing games :? you see, it is the rule that is applied on every contributers...
It is clear that i am not special case here, but the question here, if you think these strong lines coming from your books, so how can come your books are so elo far behind??
just be a little gentleman and learn how to congratulate the best one, that wont make you smaller

If you are new in this tournament, there is the list of my books that have won consecutive championships as attached..

Best Regards
Hamdullah Can

Sedat Canbaz
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Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sat Nov 02, 2024 10:37 am

Hello Hamdullah,

1st of all,
Welcome and it's nice to see you in this popular thread !)

2nd. Let me please to quote one of my recent postings,
So now is clear again that OrgZ is missed to read...but he did not
Miss to attack you + me... ok.. everyone is free to comment, but
Everyone have to think more deeply, before..otherwise I suggest
To participate in NON-SCCT tours...this will as best solution !!
Sedat Canbaz wrote:
Mon Oct 28, 2024 5:08 pm
Breaking News (28.10.2024):
Finely XXXVII tour is resumed and in case of any time you can submit
A new/updated book but anyhow be aware that after several days ongoing CS will
Be ended.. so please don't be too late..ok.. that's all for now see you later friends )

SOURCE: ... k-nn-cs-37
3rd. I am the end, I am human..not a ROBOT !
And as shocking news that OrgZ is preferred that cheap, ungrateful way..
Calling Me as Unprofessional... On the other hand,
Actually I stated many times kind, positive words over Tanick Ramz (Orgz)
But unfortunately, not everything as it seems... sad, but true!
In other words, I will think more seriously all over these issues!

Sometimes I wonder also,
Maybe the real reason is not current rules.. are simply can be
OrgZ is effected much that I plan to use as main SF-PB SC engine
Sure for the next planning future tours..but what I can do here ?
If his latest chess engines are weaker and more more drawish.. ?!

And as final words,
Enjoy your Champion tittle...many only can 'dream' for such 'great' success!
And not only in XXXVII managed many many times to be Number One!
As same words going for many other Top opening books as well, such as DON,
Esculapio etc. Btw, Esculapio is even much old-dated but still super strong!!
Sure I admit also that in older tours, Hurnavich's books were great as well !!
Sure I should not forget to mention also no doubt that OPTIMUS are great !!
Plus many other for sure, but no free time for all..thanks for understanding!


Sedat Canbaz
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Re: SedatChess

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Sun Nov 03, 2024 8:46 am

Breaking News (03.11.2024):
Both (OrgZ + Nate) are banned for 5 (five) (Book + Eng) future Championships!
As reason, due to both ones are used multiply fake accounts in SCCT tourneys
By the way, if you are going to ask: where is the proof all about ? Well, so easy:
1st of all, I've some experience over...sure not much but I other words:
Theirs behaviors, writings..and even exactly at the same day, both accounts are
Accused SCCT / Me with 'unprofessional' rules, for more info: OpenChess forum
And once more (if still not so clear):
Cheating, cloning is not allowed!! Just in case..there will be BAN! I'll tolerate no
One here...Note also that even I'm ready to work, to be in fun with a few Authors,
Who are honest and follow all the mentioned rules...thank you for your attention!

SOURCE: ... k-nn-cs-37


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Re: SedatChess

Post by deeds » Sun Nov 03, 2024 10:16 am

We're having a good laugh here ! :lol:

In the right order:
- books authors in a books tourney are victims of the books tourney conditions and the behavior of the books tourney organizer
- these books authors plan to no longer participate in this books tourney
- these books authors denounce the books tourney conditions
- these books authors leave this books tourney
- the books tourney organizer knows that he needs books authors
- the books tourney organizer only temporarily bans books authors who have already left anyway :lol:
- the other books authors understand that they will be able to denounce the books tourney conditions, denounce the behavior of the books tourney organizer, that the books tourney organizer needs them so that they will only be temporarily banned

Since the appearance of experience files, it seems that nothing has changed at SedatChess... :lol:

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