Banksia 0.58/ RC 1 GUI

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Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1979
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Banksia 0.58/ RC 1 GUI

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:05 am

Hello Chess Friends,

1st of all,
I opened a thread, related mainly with Banksia GUI
Plus in this way...I think that it will be more clear....

Breaking News (30.10.2023):
Another new tour, but after checking...I realized to cancel the current tourney
As reason, I noticed at least 10 games (lost on time) in less than 22-23 moves
I say 'lost on time' but I may be wrong..perhaps there is something other issue
But it's very clear that under these cond., some engines suffer under Banksia..
It seems, for overall eng testings: CuteChess seems to be as best chess GUI!
However, I hope Banksia will be optimized, fixed...(in case of newer releases)
Btw, frankly I like Banksia is true that not so stable.. but no any work is
Perfect...on other hand, Banksia offers so many useful options..and it will be
A BIG miss if the new Bansia GUI version to be not fixed...thanks in advance

Code: Select all

   The Current Leader Stockfish 231023 - Congratulations to Stockfish team!

Rank Name                Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws 
   1 Stockfish 231023   3768    8    8   468   69%  3676   61% 
   2 RapTora 2.2        3760    8    8   480   67%  3678   65% 
   3 KDragon 3.3        3747    9    9   479   64%  3676   68% 
   4 Raubfisch X48e     3745    8    8   519   64%  3677   70% 
   5 Berserk 080923     3719    8    9   542   58%  3677   79% 
   6 Fat Fritz 3        3709    9    9   500   55%  3679   80% 
   7 RubiChess 180923   3702    9    9   506   54%  3679   79% 
   8 C.S.Tal 2.0        3698    9    9   503   53%  3681   79% 
   9 Koivisto 090223    3682    9   10   485   50%  3681   77% 
  10 rofChade 3.1       3678    9    9   501   49%  3681   79% 
  11 Caissa 1.13.1      3674    9    9   492   49%  3680   81% 
  12 Revenge 3.0        3673   10   10   487   48%  3681   80% 
  13 Clover 6.0         3670    9    9   501   48%  3679   79% 
  14 Igel 3.5.0         3664    9    9   496   46%  3683   76% 
  15 Fire 8NN MC3       3648    9    9   509   44%  3680   75% 
  16 Seer 2.6.0         3640    9    9   508   42%  3681   75% 
  17 SlowChess 2.9      3640    9    9   474   41%  3684   71% 
  18 Viridithas 11.0.0  3630    9    9   533   40%  3682   69% 
  19 Uralochka v3.39d   3620    9    9   512   37%  3684   66% 
  20 Arasan 24.0        3615    9    9   490   37%  3682   67% 
  21 Booot 7.2          3610    9    9   503   36%  3681   66% 

       • Calculated by Bayeselo / RapTora  is fixed to 3760 Elo  / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details
• In this championship, up to 70% (in similarity) allowed... note also that
Many of the current engine vers are minus plus 65% close to Stockfish..
• All of NNUE chess engines are AVX2, tested via their default Evalfiles
• All of the current engine matches are played via Balsa opening suite
For more fair conditions: each of the opening line is repeated as twice
• Sure where possible: all of engines are played via move overhead 100
Unfortunately this time, at least 10 games recorded to be lost on time...
it seems via Banksia 0.58/RC1GUI not all engines are so stable.. sad..
• Current overall draw percentage (based on 5244 games) not high: 74%


Source: ... led-tour-1


Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1979
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: Banksia 0.58/ RC 1 GUI

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:11 pm

Right now I started another new tour (2m+1s) with almost same engine versions,
But this time under CuteChess v1.3.1 GUI.. and let's see what will be influences..
In short, I wonder too... there may appear again buggy games or not (in 22 moves)

And please stay tuned...more info very soon )


Sedat Canbaz
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Re: Banksia 0.58/ RC 1 GUI

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:49 pm

Update: Current LIVE ranking via CuteChess 1.3.1

NOTE: So far (after 1900 games),
After any crash or buggy game (up to 22 moves)
It seems all stable under CuteChess' GUI's played conditions !!

Btw, RapTora 2.2 lost on time in previous test (under Banksia),
But here... under CuteChess 1.3.1 GUI..all worked flawlessly...

Actually in all recent or previous testings, tours etc.
RapTora or any other Top engines never lost on time...
Because almost all SCCT tours were under CuteChess..
Really there is something wrong under Banksia GUI..
Perhaps the high concurrency can be as reason.. not sure...

And congrats to Mr. Anton Ces... really impressive for old dated engine!
Note also that all learning engines started to play as without any EXP...

Code: Select all

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score    Draw 
   1 RapTora 2.2                   121      27     182   66.8%   66.5% 
   2 Stockfish 231023              118      27     183   66.4%   67.2% 
   3 KDragon 3.3                   110      27     182   65.4%   67.0% 
   4 Raubfisch X48e                 94      25     185   63.2%   71.4% 
   5 Berserk 12                     60      23     182   58.5%   77.5% 
   6 Fat Fritz 3                    34      22     186   54.8%   80.6% 
   7 RubiChess 180923               21      24     183   53.0%   76.5% 
   8 C.S.Tal 2.0.0                  13      21     182   51.9%   83.0% 
   9 Caissa 1.13.1                   4      26     185   50.5%   73.0% 
  10 Clover 6.0                     -4      24     182   49.5%   76.9% 
  11 Koivisto 090223               -15      25     186   47.8%   75.3% 
  12 Igel 3.5.0                    -15      24     185   47.8%   77.3% 
  13 Revenge 3.0                   -17      23     182   47.5%   79.7% 
  14 rofChade 3.1                  -32      23     185   45.4%   78.9% 
  15 Seer v2.7.0                   -38      26     184   44.6%   71.7% 
  16 Fire 8NN MC3                  -44      23     183   43.7%   77.6% 
  17 Uralochka v3.39d              -70      27     182   40.1%   70.3% 
  18 Viridithas 11.0.0             -75      28     183   39.3%   67.8% 
  19 SlowChess 2.9                 -79      27     183   38.8%   68.9% 
  20 Booot 7.2                     -86      27     182   37.9%   68.1% 
  21 Arasan 24.0                   -93      28     183   36.9%   67.2% 

1925 of 6300 games finished.

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Re: Banksia 0.58/ RC 1 GUI

Post by OrgZ » Mon Oct 30, 2023 6:11 pm

banksia has a nasty bug of repeating certain openings and leaving other openings aside. i have a 30 openings suite. i ran over 200 games one on one. but a few openings were not played. so hey i prefer cutechess and arena for such. banksia is only when i have 1 opening or none. :lol:

Sedat Canbaz
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Re: Banksia 0.58/ RC 1 GUI

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Mon Oct 30, 2023 6:23 pm

OrgZ wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 6:11 pm
banksia has a nasty bug of repeating certain openings and leaving other openings aside. i have a 30 openings suite. i ran over 200 games one on one. but a few openings were not played. so hey i prefer cutechess and arena for such. banksia is only when i have 1 opening or none. :lol:
Thanks for your useful comments..

Well, I used to play Banksia GUI in some other tours,
Where in the past... I can not remember similar bugs..
But this time unfortunately not all is gone well...
And if we are going to compare Banksia GUI vs Cutechess GUI...
Then it is 100% clear that
Cutechess is much reason, takes less resources..
Plus more stable for is true that Banksia has more options..
But stability is most important...up to 22 moves, to see many buggy games
Plus we are in 2023 year.. in other is really annoying....
And let's hope to be fixed all the mentioned bugs...

Btw, Cutechess GUI is not perfect as well..
E.g in round-robin tours..when with many players:
Not all of the openings are used sequential...

Plus Cutechess GUI has no general HASH option..
Besides, no any tournament resuming option etc...

But however, according to my experience, if comparing all GUIs:
For my side, CuteChess GUI seems to be better than all...
No crashing...lighter...stable in high concurrent matches etc.


Sedat Canbaz
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Re: Banksia 0.58/ RC 1 GUI

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Mon Oct 30, 2023 6:35 pm

UPDATE: here are latest standings after 4400 games...

And as I expected, the good news is that:
So far no any buggy games or to be lost on time etc.

Btw, RapTora 2.2 is still leads...just unbelievable !!

Code: Select all

Rank Name                          Elo     +/-   Games   Score    Draw 
   1 RapTora 2.2                   124      18     420   67.1%   65.2% 
   2 Stockfish 231023              119      17     420   66.4%   67.1% 
   3 KDragon 3.3                   114      18     417   65.8%   65.9% 
   4 Raubfisch X48e                 98      17     420   63.7%   71.2% 
   5 Berserk 12                     68      15     419   59.7%   77.8% 
   6 Fat Fritz 3                    29      14     421   54.2%   80.8% 
   7 RubiChess 180923               20      16     418   52.9%   77.5% 
   8 C.S.Tal 2.0.0                  12      14     419   51.8%   81.1% 
   9 Koivisto 090223                 0      16     419   50.0%   77.1% 
  10 Clover 6.0                     -5      16     417   49.3%   76.0% 
  11 Caissa 1.13.1                 -11      17     419   48.4%   73.5% 
  12 rofChade 3.1                  -15      16     419   47.9%   77.1% 
  13 Revenge 3.0                   -17      16     419   47.6%   78.0% 
  14 Igel 3.5.0                    -21      15     420   47.0%   78.8% 
  15 Seer v2.7.0                   -46      17     421   43.3%   72.9% 
  16 Fire 8NN MC3                  -48      15     420   43.1%   78.1% 
  17 SlowChess 2.9                 -64      18     418   40.9%   70.3% 
  18 Uralochka v3.39d              -78      17     418   39.0%   72.2% 
  19 Viridithas 11.0.0             -80      18     420   38.7%   67.9% 
  20 Arasan 24.0                   -81      18     419   38.5%   68.0% 
  21 Booot 7.2                    -111      19     419   34.6%   62.5% 

4401 of 6300 games finished.

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Re: Banksia 0.58/ RC 1 GUI

Post by OrgZ » Mon Oct 30, 2023 6:43 pm

Sedat Canbaz wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 6:23 pm
OrgZ wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 6:11 pm
banksia has a nasty bug of repeating certain openings and leaving other openings aside. i have a 30 openings suite. i ran over 200 games one on one. but a few openings were not played. so hey i prefer cutechess and arena for such. banksia is only when i have 1 opening or none. :lol:
Thanks for your useful comments..

Well, I used to play Banksia GUI in some other tours,
Where in the past... I can not remember similar bugs..
But this time unfortunately not all is gone well...
And if we are going to compare Banksia GUI vs Cutechess GUI...
Then it is 100% clear that
Cutechess is much reason, takes less resources..
Plus more stable for is true that Banksia has more options..
But stability is most important...up to 22 moves, to see many buggy games
Plus we are in 2023 year.. in other is really annoying....
And let's hope to be fixed all the mentioned bugs...

Btw, Cutechess GUI is not perfect as well..
E.g in round-robin tours..when with many players:
Not all of the openings are used sequential...

Plus Cutechess GUI has no general HASH option..
Besides, no any tournament resuming option etc...

But however, according to my experience, if comparing all GUIs:
For my side, CuteChess GUI seems to be better than all...
No crashing...lighter...stable in high concurrent matches etc.

indeed and the problem with cutechess is when if theres an engine error. the entire tournament stops :? Lets hope banksia gets fixed hey. but all in all nothing is perfect. Thanks for the tournament :difus_19

Sedat Canbaz
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Re: Banksia 0.58/ RC 1 GUI

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:05 pm

Breaking News (30.10.2023):
Well, after bad experience with Banksia tour, I've realized to run with almost
Same conditions main difference this time via CuteIchess 1.3.1 GUI
Plus I switched to 2m+1s (instead of 3m+1s) and what I can say more, here
All stable..after any buggy game is recorded...just great news!
As final conclusion, definitely some of the engines suffer under Banksia GUI!
And let's hope next Banksia GUI releases to be more stable for game-play...
Note also that during this competition..quite frequent RapTora was leading...
But in last rounds, Stockfish is managed to be Number One...on other hand,
RapTora is old-dated but still not dead...if nothing else under these cond. !

The Champion: Stockfish 231023 - My Congratulations to Stockfish team!

For More Details, Standings: ... t-nn-cs-43

GAMES: ... DDUbq3BNt0


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Re: Banksia 0.58/ RC 1 GUI

Post by OrgZ » Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:24 pm

Thanks for the tournament :difus_19

Sedat Canbaz
Posts: 1979
Joined: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:29 am

Re: Banksia 0.58/ RC 1 GUI

Post by Sedat Canbaz » Tue Oct 31, 2023 8:18 pm

OrgZ wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:24 pm
Thanks for the tournament :difus_19
You are welcome... )

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