computerchess programs for android OS

Discussion about chess-playing software (engines, hosts, opening books, platforms, etc...)
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Re: computerchess programs for android OS

Post by henhena » Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:24 am

Should I buy an android phone now or wait for a new release? I am seeking an android phone for verizon, but am aware that new software will be coming out soon which may require new hardware... Is it worth waiting a few months for new models to come out or are there any models worth buying right now?

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Re: computerchess programs for android OS

Post by thorstenczub » Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:14 am

i don't understand. as far as i know, any kind of hardware for android is ok as long as it is fast. this is the same for chess.

its not important IMO if your device has android 1.5 or android 2.1 or 2.2.

android has many interesting and different chess programs so far. and there are interesting
devices, such as tablet pcs or mobile phones running android.

so no need to "wait".
there will always be NEW devices coming soon you COULD wait.
this waiting way, you would never get your device. you would always wait.. and wait... and wait.

buy a device that is fast for chess.

see e.g. the following benchmark:
droidfish aka stockfish on:

Palm Pre 500mhz (Webos1.4.5):				~8.000 NPS
APAD Rockchip 600mhz (android1.5):			~10.000 NPS
Palm Pre oc. 800mhz (Webos1.4.5):			~13.000 NPS
ZT-180 10,2" Pad :					~15.345 NPS
Palm Pre oc. 1Ghz (Webos1.4.5):				~16.000 NPS
Archos 101 (android 2.1):				~78.300 NPS
Iphone4 800 Mhz (IOS):					~80.000 NPS
HTC HD2 with 1Ghz (android2.2):				~100.000 NPS
Samsung Galaxy Tab:					~108,500 NPS
Advent vega tegra2 1Ghz (android2.2):			~131.700 NPS
Dell Streak (Steves 1.4.5, OC 1150Mhz):			~133.000 NPS 
Netbook Intel Atom N270 1.6 Ghz (Windows XP):		~143.000 NPS
Advent vega tegra2 1Ghz 2cores (android2.2): 		~220.500 NPS

Laptop T7600 2.2Ghz 1 core, (windows vista64):		1.000.000 NPS

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