300 games with DRK 69
Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:19 pm
Code: Select all
Engine Score Da Ho Iv Ry S-B
1: DamirsRybkaKiller69 81.5/150 ········ 8-11-31 12-9-29 20-7-23 5875.2
2: Houdini 1.02 80.0/150 11-8-31 ········ 15-10-25 15-13-22 5871.0
3: IvanHoe T57B 73.5/150 9-12-29 10-15-25 ········ 21-16-13 5502.7
4: Rybka 4 w32 65.0/150 7-20-23 13-15-22 16-21-13 ········ 5081.5
Name of the tournament: More games
Site/ Country: XP-2G, United States
Level: Blitz 5/0
Hardware: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00GHz 1994 MHz with 1,024 MB Memory
Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)