Some notes and questions more,
1.Why SF-PRO2 250125 is performed better than other SF-PRO series?
2.Balsa + Unique openings are played any influence about results?
3.Any news about newer Balsa or Unique suite will be ever released?
4.Running 1000 games (per player) via UHO openings are enough..?
Well, let Me start to answer about 1st question:
Why SF-PRO2 250125 is performed better than other SF-PRO series?
I'm not a programmer, but as far as I noticed (in LIVE games too) :
SF-PRO2 250125 spent much more time till mid-game than endgame!
E.g more than 90%-95% of its time is used mainly up to 30-40 moves..
And later, SF-PRO2 250125 is started to play too much quickly, reason
To avoid to not lose on time..yes, in most of its games is managed to
Not lose on time, but just in some (9 games) are ended as time loses!
So I think that as golden key is played here about why SF-PRO2 250125
Performed better..in same time means (at least via this engine ver.):
Spending more time till mid-game is more important than endgame!
But where, the latest tested SF-PRO2 280125 version is used to play
Via more balanced time (per games) due move overhead 200 helped..
About the free SF-PRO 311224 ver, which is ranked as 44 rank:
No comments, exception rather I'd say the available SF-PRO is
Quite new engine too..just it's released about one month ago..
Btw, it seems SF-PRO 311224 is stable, no time loses games!
But why performed not better? here SF PRO's author may know...
About 2nd question,
2.Balsa + Unique openings are played any influence about results?
Of course...here Quality, Strength, Time... are said the last words!
As we noticed, even 1000 games (per player): CorChess was as BEST!
And after 2000 games, again CorChess, after 3000 games: CorChess...
Btw, if you going to ask why via UHO openings, CorChess was not..?
Then I suggest to read 4th section/question...please see below )
On other hand,
I'm not going to prove about my openings knowledge is good or bad..
But in the past, even actually nowadays, my favorite openings are
As one of best... sure I refer for my played tours categories! Btw,
Do you want to prove again via Online, in 2025 too? SORRY, after
25+ years, I'll not do that again and again...but probably many online
Players (in the past) know that my opening books were not so so weak!
About 3rd question,
3.Any news about newer Balsa or Unique suite will be ever released?
Yes..will be a new release.. for example, I am still working over
Newer Unique suite version which is highly based on Balsa openings,
But as main difference will be optimized for 3800+ players as well!
Where it's expecting to see a lot of spectacular games and in same
Time I am working regarding which produce less draw perc. values!
E.g the target is to be about 80%-90% draw ratio in Bullet + in Blitz!
Sure in slower TC, situation is unpredictable..since serious test required
But I guess, the draw numbers will be higher, reason: more time means
More assistance.. more and BIG assşistance (such as via NNUE) means
No much ways to appear blunder moves..so almost all games are ending
Draw! So here we can not blame Top engines or openings..hope helps!
No doubt too that just in case of..the fools, the trols will blame
Again that my openings are Drawish! they will say also that I am a
Cheater, a Liar.. etc. and again and again these 'perfect fools' will forget
To mention that my opening are one of best! As one of most funny thing:
They always forget to say that theirs games (via weak openings) are bad
Quality etc. if still not so clear ?
At least in SCCT Book Tours: all cleared, which is good, which is bad!!
But I'm afraid to say also these perfect fools will never learn about it!
Btw, not always, but sometimes I respect them too! do you know why ?)
Because without the clever fool guys, our hobby would not be boring ?))
About 4th question,
4.Running 1000 games (per player) via UHO openings are enough..?
Definitely no...here it seems at least 5.000 games are required for
Better stats..as reason, here almost all weak, critical openings..maybe
Later I can do more tests via UHO series, but I don't want to promise..
Just in case..who knows ? maybe after 5.000 games: CorChess will take
The lead..but via Balsa or Unique suite series: 1000 games was enough!
Right ? Or maybe I am missing something..?
And as last words, for anyone missed:
Learn also that CorChess is managed many times to be Champion:
https://sites.google.com/site/computers ... eng-champs
After all,
what does it mean? CorChess is so good in fast TC as well, right ?
Ok..that's all for now.) hope helps..and thanks for your reading...