Here are new stats generated by EloStat:
General Stats by UHO suite:
Code: Select all
Games : 6552 (finished)
White Wins : 5543 (84.6 %)
Black Wins : 14 ( 0.2 %)
Draws : 995 (15.2 %)
Unfinished : 0
White Perf. : 92.2 %
Black Perf. : 7.8 %
ECO A = 2674 Games (40.8 %)
ECO B = 2110 Games (32.2 %)
ECO C = 898 Games (13.7 %)
ECO D = 494 Games ( 7.5 %)
ECO E = 376 Games ( 5.7 %)
Not so much changed since years... as we see,
Just only 14 (fourteen) wins are appeared by Blacks,
If I'm not wrong: 'chess' is a game for 2 (two) sides!
But FUN is perfect here, just 15.2% draws!
General Stats by Balsa + Unique suites:
Code: Select all
[code]Games : 13104 (finished)
White Wins : 1247 ( 9.5 %)
Black Wins : 388 ( 3.0 %)
Draws : 11469 (87.5 %)
Unfinished : 0
White Perf. : 53.3 %
Black Perf. : 46.7 %
ECO A = 3336 Games (25.5 %)
ECO B = 3472 Games (26.5 %)
ECO C = 4558 Games (34.8 %)
ECO D = 710 Games ( 5.4 %)
ECO E = 1028 Games ( 7.8 %)
The overall draws are 87.5%, too much than
UHO suite's produced stats, but if nothing
Else quite normal...reason, my suites are
Very well-tuned for both sides, otherwise
I see not so fair..such as if only Whites
Will win..just in case.. I may call it as chess,
But too far from the reality..perhaps UHO is
Future but still there is a BIG room to be in
Fun as without it... at least for nowadays!
As final words, if you are going to ask Me,
UHO suite is better than Balsa or Unique?
I'd replay, yes for non-serious or fun tests:
Go for UHO suite, but for serious tours:
Undoubtedly use Balsa or Unique suites!
Not sure about you, but frankly for my side,
Quality, Strength and Time matters a lot!
And after all, why I say like that about all over?
Due to 'time' is more valuable than money! sure
Everyone is free..but in case of via weak openings:
Run correct tests, play thousands games, if not..
Waste of time and will be as mystery or lottery to
See regarding which Top chess engine is stronger!
Hope helps...and very soon overall ranking coming..