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Stockfish 1.8 outplayed Rybka 4

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:18 pm
by Eduard Nemeth
That is not a great surprise, but the fallowing game was a long time game and Rybka 4 played on 12 cores.


[Event "Wertungspartie, 120m + 0s"]
[Site "Maschinenraum"]
[Date "2010.07.03"]
[Round "?"]
[White "TellyMC, Stockfish 1.8 JA 64"]
[Black "Blackborn, Deep Rybka 4 x64"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B23"]
[WhiteElo "2645"]
[BlackElo "2641"]
[Annotator "0.28;0.15"]
[PlyCount "103"]
[EventDate "2010.07.06"]
[TimeControl "7200"]

{Deep Rybka 4 x64 (12 cores): 25.7 plies; 911kN/s Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5680 @
3.33GHz 3325MHz, bullseye.ctg, 2048 MB} 1. Nc3 {0.00/0 0} c5 {0.00/0 0} 2. e4 {
0.00/0 0} d6 {0.00/0 0} 3. Nge2 {0.00/0 0} e5 {0.15/25 496} 4. Ng3 {
(Nd5) 0.00/0 0} Be7 {0.11/24 516} 5. Bc4 {-300.02/33 300} Nf6 {0.12/24 524} 6.
O-O {(d3) 0.00/0 0} h5 {0.13/24 421} 7. d3 {(h3) 0.28/30 218} h4 {0.00/23 310}
8. Nge2 {(Nf5) 0.32/30 0} h3 {(a6) -0.05/24 325} 9. g3 {0.48/30 186} Bg4 {
(Na6) -0.05/22 390} 10. f3 {0.56/31 179} Bd7 {(Be6) -0.02/24 0} 11. Nd5 {
0.52/30 192} Nxd5 {0.00/24 0} 12. Bxd5 {0.56/32 184} Nc6 {0.00/24 0} 13. Be3 {
(Nc3) 0.64/28 182} O-O {(Be6) 0.00/22 855} 14. Nc3 {0.68/30 626} Rb8 {
(Bf6) 0.04/23 0} 15. f4 {1.09/29 143} exf4 {(Bf6) 0.04/22 0} 16. gxf4 {
(Bxf4) 1.49/29 219} Nd4 {(Nb4) 0.00/20 159} 17. Kh1 {(Bb3) 3.15/28 173} g6 {
1.51/18 299} 18. f5 {3.71/32 0} Kg7 {1.51/19 40} 19. Rg1 {3.47/31 228} Rh8 {
1.51/19 0} 20. fxg6 {3.19/29 133} fxg6 {-300.02/21 0} 21. Ne2 {3.47/30 199} Nc6
{-300.02/20 0} 22. Nf4 {(Qd2) 3.59/31 116} g5 {1.93/17 44} 23. Nh5+ {
(Be6) 4.20/29 71} Kh6 {1.77/21 223} 24. Qe2 {(Ng3) 4.76/32 0} Kg6 {
(Ne5) 2.43/18 187} 25. c3 {(Ng3) 5.53/30 126} Ne5 {4.11/16 164} 26. Nf4+ {
-300.02/33 0} Kg7 {-300.02/17 34} 27. d4 {5.57/32 71} cxd4 {4.15/18 14} 28.
cxd4 {-300.02/32 442} Ng6 {(Rf8) 4.69/22 0} 29. Nxg6 {(Nh5+) 9.85/30 116} Kxg6
{2.99/17 11} 30. Raf1 {10.82/30 99} Rf8 {(Rh4) 3.50/20 0} 31. Rf7 {
(Bf7+) 13.57/32 93} Rxf7 {-300.02/16 60} 32. Bxf7+ {15.11/32 19} Kxf7 {
Blackborn reconnected. 7.99/17 0} 33. Qh5+ {-300.02/33 360} Kg7 {7.09/16 59}
34. d5 {17.41/31 20} Bf6 {8.72/18 27} 35. Bxg5 {19.23/31 51} Bxg5 {8.72/18 0}
36. Rxg5+ {15.39/28 93} Qxg5 {8.72/18 0} 37. Qxg5+ {19.67/25 3} Kf7 {9.12/22 10
} 38. Qf4+ {-300.02/28 88} Ke8 {(Kg8) 9.12/22 165} 39. e5 {92.95/31 95} Rc8 {
(b6) 9.12/21 0} 40. exd6 {(e6) 104.58/24 91} a6 {(Bc6) 12.25/18 19} 41. Kg1 {
(Qe4+) #12/18 1} Rc2 {#11/19 212} 42. Qe4+ {#11/44 0} Kf7 {#10/19 104} 43. Qxc2
{#10/46 0} Bb5 {(Kf6) #10/18 98} 44. Qh7+ {(Qf5+) #9/10 0} Kf6 {#8/15 165} 45.
d7 {#8/76 0} Bxd7 {#7/17 81} 46. Qxd7 {#7/83 0} Kg6 {(a5) #6/15 35} 47. Qe6+ {
#6/7 0} Kh5 {(Kg5) #5/15 73} 48. d6 {#5/6 0} a5 {(Kg5) #4/14 68} 49. d7 {
(Qf5+) #4/6 0} b5 {(a4) #3/14 116} 50. d8=Q {#3/6 0} a4 {(b4) #2/12 57} 51.
Qh8+ {(Qdf6) #2/6 0} Kg5 {#1/8 0} 52. Qhh6# {(Lag: Av=0.21s, max=0.7s) #1/100 0
} 1-0

Rybka 4 (played on 12 cores) blundered here, and after only 2 moves game was lost.
How is this possible??

Position after move 16 white:

1r1q1rk1/pp1bbpp1/2np4/2pB4/4PP2/2NPB2p/PPP4P/R2Q1RK1 b - - 0 1

Deep Rybka 4 (Deep Rybka 4 x64 (12 cores): 25.7 plies; 911kN/s Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5680 @ 3.33GHz 3325MHz, bullseye.ctg, 2048 MB) played now 16...Nd4?!

Stockfish 1.8 played now nice 17. Kh1!! +-

1r1q1rk1/pp1bbpp1/3p4/2pB4/3nPP2/2NPB2p/PPP4P/R2Q1R1K b - - 0 1

Deep Rybka 4 (on 12 cores) played now 17...g6? and game was instantly lost.

What is your opinion to this game?

PS: the game I have found in german CSS Forum, here: ... ?pid=28116


Re: Stockfish 1.8 outplayed Rybka 4

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:47 pm
by yanquis1972
i haven't looked at the game yet, but in the Nd4 position black looks like he's in deep shit no matter what. i'd hate to have to defend against all those lines of attack. will check out the game to see how stockfish got such a great position.

Re: Stockfish 1.8 outplayed Rybka 4

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:05 am
by notyetagm
What a great move, the <KING DEFLECTION TACTIC> 31 Rf1-f7!!.