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A tool for STS Testsuites

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:27 pm
by Matthias Gemuh
A tool for STS Testsuites

STS_Html.exe in ChessGUI package (folder OUTPUT) has been replaced by STS_Tool.exe !
To use STS_Tool.exe, you must solve STS Testsuites using ChessGUI 0.216 or above.
To use any STS Result File generated with ChessGUI 0.215, insert the 2 lines


at the beginning of the STS Result File, where X is number of engines used in the ChessGUI testsuite tournament.
To use STS_Tool.exe, the testsuites must be named STS01.epd, STS02.epd, STS03.epd, ... STS10.epd, STS11.epd, STS12.epd, etc. This permits you to load them in any order in ChessGUI, and you need not have full set of testsuites.

If 2 people solve STS testsuites under similar conditions, they can merge their STS_Tool.ini by exchanging renamed copies of their STS_Tool.ini. What about sending such copies of STS_Tool.ini to Swami ?

As input, STS_Tool.exe needs only the STS Result File, CCRL Elo values, and eventually the foreign STS_Tool.ini mentioned above. Maybe you should put STS_Tool.exe and these input files in an emptier folder.

A bug in already uploaded STS_Tool.exe necessitates deleting any STS_Elo.ini (created by now obscelete STS_Elo.exe) in STS_Tool folder.


Re: A tool for STS Testsuites

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:27 pm
by Matthias Gemuh
And remember that you can shutdown ChessGUI during a testsuites tournament and resume later.
I noticed that Gull sends "bestmove"s during STS testsuite infinite search (before receiving "stop") to mess things up. Next ChessGUI shall provide a work-around.


Re: A tool for STS Testsuites

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:16 pm
by Matthias Gemuh
To avoid messing up the Elo estimation, do not input CCRL Elo for any engine that has not yet solved full set of STS testsuites.


Re: A tool for STS Testsuites

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:11 am
by Matthias Gemuh
ChessGUI has realized that the first 23 positions of STS12.epd have no scores :evil:


Re: A tool for STS Testsuites

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:32 pm
by Swaminathan
Matthias Gemuh wrote:ChessGUI has realized that the first 23 positions of STS12.epd have no scores :evil:

Yes, I have checked the files that I have (preliminary test file, final beta file in mail, and the file that came with STSStat 3.2. None have scores for the first 23 positions. Thanks, Mathias. This is to be added into to-do list.